All these morons griping about Sharia law being brought to America need to seriously get a grip. Sharia law is nothing more – and nothing less – than forcing one’s religion on others through the power of government. Any rational American can clearly see that we already have that. Religious people use the power of government to push abstinence-only curriculums. Religious people use the power of government to enforce second class citizenship on homosexuals. Religious people use the power of government to support religion through manipulation of the tax code. Religious people are sometimes thwarted, but there is a constant pressure to elevate the Decalogue to law-of-the-land. And we are never allowed a break from the constant shrill rhetoric coming from the “pro-life” movement – a movement which would make its religion the law-of-the-land in an instant if given the opportunity. Religious people are able to censor what we can read at the library and exert control through innumerable governmental bodies.
The complaints regarding Sharia law are hugely hypocritical because the real issue with Sharia is which delusional belief system can gain control of the government. Of course I would prefer a 100% rational government in which the “golden rule” was the cornerstone and the oppressive thought contagions of religion played no role. Being as fundamentalist Christianity is losing market share around the world while fundamentalist Islam is gaining market share it is a reasonable assumption that Sharia law will spread – because majority Islam electorates will vote for Theocracy as soon as they can. This is essentially the same as majority Christian electorates having voted for tax-exempt religion in America. If you don’t like Sharia law then be consistent and work against ALL religion in government.
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